‘1984(by George Orwell)’–A fictitious political narrative but very much relevant to today’s authoritarian powers.
The book maintains Winston Smith as the central character, and what happens in Smith’s life takes the reader through dark humour, irony.
Highlights-Smith works in 'Ministery of Truth', to alter historical records as per party's propoganda.He resents the government's ideology and secretly opposes it.He starts a love affair with Julia and begins keeping a journal of his anti-Party thoughts, but the police shatters his dream of discovering the truth and he has to endure inhuman torture .
-Dictatorship and tyranny:
1984 The novel deals government power,and its attack on individual freedom and the imposition of a homogenous ideology on society.
-Lack of privacy:
The idea of "Big Brother" evokes the fear of constant surveillance, which seems so important even in today's digital age.
-Control on Truth:
"He who controls the past also controls the future." This line in the novel shows the truth about the influence of media on the society.
1984 is not just a novel but a powerful commentary on freedom, truth and human values. Given today's age of media control, lack of privacy, and attacks on freedom of thought, this novel seems all the more relevant.
This is highly recommended read.